The Young Parenting Living Program (YPLP), "St. Mary's Home," serves those most vulnerable; young families of color, many of whom are steeped in multi-generational poverty and homelessness. YPLP provides a comprehensive array of services for 15 pregnant and parenting teen/young mothers and their children annually.
YPLP, a residential treatment program designed to prevent young mothers from entering the shelter system, welcomes young women between the ages of 13 and 22 at any stage of their pregnancy or postpartum. The average length of stay for a young mother and her child(ren) is two years, allowing for the time needed to break down barriers that have led to homelessness and build new pathways. SMC staff partner with young mothers as they navigate two challenging, full-time roles: serving as a nurturing parent and their child’s first teacher, and furthering their own education and employment opportunities to support themselves and their family long-term.
Over 80% of these young families transition from YPLP to St. Mary’s Center’s on-site transitional housing program, “First Home,” which provides wrap-around services and supports these families in their independent living in apartments on-site for an additional two years.
St. Mary’s Home is licensed by the Department of Early Education and Care. Teens are admitted to the program through referrals from the Department of Children and Families or the Department of Transitional Assistance.
"The process of being in a shelter is difficult; it is long, but it makes you mature and overcome challenges... to get to the top, you must start from the bottom.”
"Brianna," former St. Mary’s Home resident
St. Mary’s Center for Women and Children
90 Cushing Avenue, Dorchester, MA 02125
P: 617.436. 8600
F: 617.288.8961
St. Mary’s Center for Women and Children is registered as a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Contributions to St. Mary’s Center are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.